How Tezos bakers can help to support the Ukrainian people!

Daniel L.
2 min readMar 4, 2022

Dear Tezos community,
with the military attack on Ukraine, the Russian government is breaking the most basic rules of the international order before the eyes of the world. Wladimir Putin alone has chosen this path. The Ukrainian people have done nothing to justify this bloodshed. This war is intended to destroy one thing above all — the dream of the Ukrainian people that after decades of unfreedom they have a right to democracy, to peace, and to a better future without oppression. We are all stunned by the recent events, but not helpless. The Crypto but also the Tezos community has already done a lot to support the Ukrainian people.

Over 27000 tez have been collected so far by the contract implemented by fxhash and Versum. 25900 tez were distributed to seven organizations. Those organizations were suggested by The Giving Block.

On March 2nd, Tezos Ukraine and MadFish, a Ukrainian software development company focused on dApps for the Tezos ecosystem, launched the initiative Tezos Stands With Ukraine.

We bakers can also help by donating a portion of our rewards from baking to the accounts set up by the community mentioned above. Most bakers use the open-source Tezos Reward Distributor (TRD) to distribute the rewards to their delegators. TRD is able to split and redirect rewards that belong to the baker with the parameters founders_map and owners_map.

With those parameters, bakers can choose which initiative they want to support but also if the donation should be taken from the service fee or if it should be taken of the share of rewards of the overall cycle reward from the baker’s own balance, or both. Of course, bakers can also determine how high the support should be!

In this example, 10% of the service fee will be donated to each initiative described above (=20% in total). 80% of the service fee will stay in the baker's account. Please note that the sum of all ratios equals 1.

{'bakeraddress' : 0.8,
'tz1LpP5zU73ivpXwHnKYBDRBL3F7aoNsaGWu' : 0.10,
'KT1DWnLiUkNtAQDErXxudFEH63JC6mqg3HEx' : 0.10}

The baker's address is technically a delegator to itself. Its share of rewards is part of the overall cycle rewards. In this example, 5% of those rewards will be donated to each initiative (=10% in total). 90% of those rewards will stay in the baker's account. Please note that the sum of all ratios equals 1.

{'bakeraddress' : 0.9,
'tz1LpP5zU73ivpXwHnKYBDRBL3F7aoNsaGWu' : 0.05,
'KT1DWnLiUkNtAQDErXxudFEH63JC6mqg3HEx' : 0.05}

Please note that this does not affect the reward of your delegators! Nevertheless, also delegators can ask their baker to redirect their rewards to the initiatives mentioned above. You can read more about the TRD config possibilities in the documentation here.



Daniel L.

Building Stuff on Tezos, Member of StakeNow and Managing Director of vDL Digital Ventures GmbH