The StakeNow Dashboard Release!

Daniel L.
2 min readMay 28, 2020

The StakeNow Dashboard allows our clients to track and review their rewards, evaluate essential performance metrics, and export the reward history in different formats. This article will guide you through the different features and explains the usage of the dashboard.

First of all, it offers our clients a clear, simple, and powerful overview of the following performance metrics displayed in BTC, EUR, and USD:

  • Total Balance
  • Received Rewards
  • Pending Rewards
  • Total Rewards

Secondly, under Pending Payouts, one can easily see when the next rewards are expected to arrive at the client’s manager TZ or KT account. The columns do include the cycle, expected payout date, from (our payout address), reward (after fee), fee in %, and the current status. “In Progress” shows the current ongoing cycle and “Pending” signals that those rewards are frozen by the Tezos protocol.

Thirdly, under Received Payouts, one can track received rewards that have arrived at the manager TZ or KT account. The columns do include the cycle, date, from (our payout address), reward (after fee), fee in %, status, and transaction. “Paid” in column status means that those rewards are already paid by StakeNow. Every payout is linked to an operation hash and can be checked with a link to

The dashboard is also able to recognize redirected payouts from KT to Manager TZ if a client has requested us to do so.

Last but not least, one of our favorites is the feature to download the received payout history. Our clients can download a CSV file, select a year, and additionally choose their desired format. There are currently two options available for the format:

  1. StakeNow Dashboard format
  2. CryptoTax format

The dashboard uses TzStats with its powerful API to gather the necessary data from the Tezos blockchain. Of course, no personal data will be collected. Please join our Telegram Group if you want to know more about StakeNow, the team, or the dashboard. We would love to hear your feedback!



Daniel L.

Building Stuff on Tezos, Member of StakeNow and Managing Director of vDL Digital Ventures GmbH